Register your pharmacy

Register your pharmacy in three (3) simple steps

Fill the "new pharmacy" Form

Fill the form to register your new pharmacy. this is the first step to being added to our customer database. You can register as an individual pharmacist also.

Verify ownership your pharmacy

After the form has been filled, we will verify your information and send you a follow up mail.

join our whatsapp group

After verification, you’ll be sent a mail containing a link to our whatsapp group where information will be diseminated daily.

About Us

RxPress Pharma is a revolutionary healthcare platform designed to make healthcare accessible to all. We comprise of two subsidiaries, RxPress Drug Pharma and RxPress Health, each designed to address different health needs. RxPress Drug Pharma pioneers digital health solutions, offering free pharmaceutical consultations, fertility counseling, home laboratory testing and sourcing of rare drugs. RxPress Health aims to bring healthcare to those facing disparities and promote overall health education. Together, we are dedicated to transforming healthcare accessibility and positively impacting communities across Africa.

Our Policies

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